MHC Blog

Canadians Worried About Seniors Health and Home Care

A new Ipsos  poll  shows that Canadians top priorities for health funding are seniors health, mental health, prescription cost drugs, palliative care and home care.

The poll was part of the annual report from the Canadian Medical Association.    At My Healthcare Concierge, we see families struggling with gaps in the system in those  areas.    There have been suggestions that the funding formula is changed so that provinces with a larger percentage of elderly residents receive additional funding.     That makes sense.

Given funding challenges of all governments, there will always be gaps.   Governments should certainly address seniors health, mental health, drug costs, palliative care and home care.  However families and caregivers will always need to advocate for themselves and, where they can afford to, supplement with the additional support and services they need to improve health, solve care challenges and maintain quality of life.

See the Globe and Mail article: